What do we believe?

We are a Christian people - we believe in the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit and we believe that the Bible contains all truth necessary to life and faith.


The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian Church that dates back to 1908, and today is active in 164 world areas; and we are excited to be part of the church’s missional community here in Perth.


We are a Holiness people - we believe in the principles of Christ-like living. We believe that Christians can experience a deeper level of life in which there is victory over sin, power to witness and serve, and a richer fellowship with God, all through the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

We are a Missional people - We believe that God freely gives life in all its fullness, here and now and eternally, to everyone who comes to Him through faith in Jesus. By His grace He gives us a new life that is marked by forgiveness, peace, joy, hope and purpose. We believe that we have been called and commissioned by Jesus to take this message to people everywhere.

We are a Worshipping people - We love to worship Jesus, to sing His praise and adore him in Spirit and in truth. We believe that when we do this we truly encounter God, who transforms us to become all we can be.

We are a Serving people - We are committed to serving the broken, hurting, lost and lonely with God’s love.

We are a Praying people - We believe in the power of prayer, and that it is our joy and our privilege to bring all our requests to God who hears and answers prayer.

We are a Family - We are a diverse people of all ages and backgrounds who have come together in Christ with one heart and one vision.