Couple of Good News items for today!
- NEW BUILDING: A handover meeting for the new building is scheduled for Friday Morning! PRAISE GOD! Final tasks are being completed as I write, and cleaning is taking place between now and the weekend. So it's looking good for Sunday morning! We will send round a separate email this week on expectations and instructions regarding the new building, but for now we are just "sharing the joy" - perhaps a combination of what Geoff called "Celebration Joy" and "Anticipation Joy" last Sunday. If you haven't heard his sermon, then please check it out - it was amazing - just click on the following link - Sunday Service | 12th December 2021 - YouTube
- CHRISTMAS FOOD HAMPERS: All the way through Lockdown, a small team of organisers and drivers have been delivering food and meals to people in the community, particularly those who are vulnerable. Even as restrictions lifted, they continued to respond to needs that they were aware of. Today, they are delivering "Food Hampers for Christmas" to 15 households across the city. What a blessing! Thanks to Jayne, June and their team for their commitment to this over the last 20 months and serving in this ministry on behalf of the Church. God bless
- PRAYER@BLEND: This evening, we want to welcome you again to Blend for a time of fellowship, reflection and prayer together. While this is a more informal setting, it gives opportunity to pray for one another and for others in more specific ways. It also creates space for us to connect with one another and encourage each other. Sometimes in the dark evenings its just good to have fellowship with others - a bit of light in the darkness - so why not join us from 6.30-8pm at Blend Perth, just behind the Church. Hope to see you there!
Thanks all - enjoy the good news, and praise our Father in Heaven.
Grace and Peace
Pastor Ian