On Sunday we launched Phase 2 of the Building Program at Trinity - the refurbishing of the old building to provide multiple flexible and accessible rooms for all kinds of ministry opportunities. But whenever I think about building projects for a Church, I always take a moment to remind myself that the Church is about God & People, not buildings! That's not to say that buildings aren't useful and helpful to the mission and ministry of Jesus and the Church - THEY CAN BE - it's just that we have to understand them in the light of this bigger picture - THE CHURCH IS ABOUT GOD & PEOPLE!

That means that any time we decide to invest in a building project, it must be rooted in the vision of the mission of God - that Christ himself is already seeking the least, the last and the lost, and that He invites His Church to join Him - WE are THE CHURCH and He invites us!

As we launch PHASE 2 of our building program, it is with this vision in mind, understanding that these rooms and facilities must contribute to the Mission of God (what He is doing and wants to do) in the city and beyond. That is what we aim for, and that is what we launched on Sunday!

For those of you who weren't able to make Sunday's service, we have released drawings and plans for the refurb of the old building, and are now going through the "tendering process" to procure quotes for the work to be done and timelines for that work. Those plans are being displayed in the foyer so you can take time to look over them with others - this is something we are doing together. 

We also shared the motivation and vision behind this next phase, as well as some of the details of the refurb. We'll share more of this in the days ahead, but I've attached the slides from the presentation on Sunday to give you a flavour of where we're going with Trinity's "CITY HUB" Plan, and why.

In the slides you'll also find information on the fundraising update and congregational target for this building project, including news of a £100,000.00 grant from the Church of the Nazarene's Alabaster Fund - what a joyful gift this has been! We thank God, and we thank the International Church for their trust in us. But we also shared the £150,000.00 target for fundraising as a congregation and set 2 "GIVING & PLEDGE DAYS" on 30 October and 6 November. I've attached a leaflet on giving and pledging, so please take a look, pray, and consider what and how you can give. 

We do have a building team already in place (see fundraising leaflet attached) and so if you want to ask questions or talk more then please do so - Michael, George, Steve, Sandra or myself, would be happy talk more with you.

Over the next few weeks we'll give more information, but I hope this is enough of a taster to stir excitement about where we're going with the CITY HUB Plan. Let's pray and talk more about it, and let's make it happen - with God, and for Him.

Grace and Peace
