in January, I often focus on key areas of vision for us as a Church. That's especially the case this year as we recruit new staff members to help us grow in that vision and aspiration of who we are as God's people at Trinity. Sunday's sermon really gave a foundation of why we're recruiting for the role of "Missional Discipleship and Pastoral Care Lead" and how we seek to follow Jesus model of "gathering, caring & sending" his disciples. If you missed Sunday's service, then why not catch up using the following link... 

Sunday Service | Ian Wills | What Would Jesus Stew? | 8th January 2023 - YouTube

...and again I've attached copies of both job profiles for our new posts. The opportunities are open to any who feel they have the gifts, experience and passion for them. Feel free to share these with others!

This Sunday we'll focus on the second key area of our vision for the future, which gathers around the vision of Trinity's "CITY HUB". Again we're looking to staff in this area, but on Sunday we'll be looking at why this is important from a biblical perspective, and that God calls each of us to serve, bless, and reach the city in which we gather.

In order to get the most out of this Sunday, I'd like to encourage you to read Isaiah chapters 58-62. It starts quite starkly and strongly, but leads into a hopefilled picture of what God longs to do in the city! I'll be looking at some key verses from those chapters, but reading the whole section ahead of time will help you catch what God is saying. 

Why not try to read these chapters a few times before Sunday - maybe even read them each day. Before you start, just take some time to pray, invite the Holy Spirit to come to you, and ask Him to show you something new.

 ENJOY! and may the Lord speak as you read.

Grace & Peace
